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CHS News & Events
Central High School in conjunction with Lowndes County Career Technical Center hosted Career Day on November 17, 2023. The students gained knowledge in the fields of Nursing, Physical Therapy, Armed Services, Law, Engineering, and Entrepreneurship. All the students were engaged and intrigued by the wealth of knowledge that was shared.
On September 13, 2023 , CHS organized a ribbon-cutting ceremony to mark the reopening of their high school gymnasium. This event took place following the successful completion of the new gym floor. Principal Curtis, Superintendent Jeter, and Board Member Ben Davis all took the opportunity to give their comments, expressing their appreciation for everyone involved in the completion of this project.
On October 9, 2023 the Cosa Prevention Team presented information to the staff and parents at (CHS) regarding the dangers of opioids and how they affect today's youth negatively.
Central High School, prides itself on the importance of parental involvement. October 2nd we hosted our Parenting Day where we discussed higher education, drug prevention, and instructional needs of students. The highlight of the day was when several of our parents participated in our first signing day for parents. Please stay tuned for our next parental involvement activity.
On October 06, 2023, the Central-Hayneville Lions hosted the Billingsley Bears in a Class 1A, Region 4 football game that turned out to be an historic night. Central-Hayneville defeated Billingsley 78-72 in 4 overtime’s, which resulted in being an AHSAA state record for most points combined in a high school football game (150 points). Iyanis Wallace (Central-Hayneville) also set a school record by compiling 7 total touchdowns in a single game (5 rushing, 1 passing, 1 receiving). This was an incredible victory for the school as well as the football program.
By The Numbers
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